Project Example – Customer Deep Dive


An advanced Mass channel deep dive identifying  brand and category opportunities, and strategy redirects

Note:  this example has scrambled the focus brand, retailer, category and #’s

 Deep Dive Executive Summary

  1. Target does not have its Fair Share of comp market of the Soap Category

– Target has 38% Edible Grocery ACV compared to 22.0% Soap Category Share

– That Fair Share Of Market “Gap” exists across a majority of the sub-categories and key brands

– Target hold a 20% share of Bredford Soap’s Comp Market total volume which is one of the most extreme gaps in the category

-Target’s Biggest Gap resides in the Multipack segment and suggests an over-emphasis on the Singles Soap Bars segment

  1. That “Fair Share Gap” translates to an annual $96.7MM Soap opportunity (vs. TTL Mass gap is even bigger)

-Bredford Soap’s gap is nearly half of the Total Soap Category gap: $82.5MM

  1. Category Overview

-Target is trending even to Rest-of-Market YTD, but not Target         (Ttl Soap:     Target +19.0% ROM+19.0% WM +28.2%)

– Bredford Soap Co: WM is under-trending ROM & WM on YTD EQ Trends (Bradford:   Target +16.7% ROM +28.2% WM +33.7%)

– Bredford Soap Co has gained Share of Ttl Soap at Target (28%), but not equal to WM (38%) (Bredford Share of Cat. pt. Change: Target  +0 pts WM +4.1pts)

– Soap Singles vs. Multi Packs: Target is trending up on the Singles Segment and less so on Multi-Packs which is opposite to WM

  1. Promotion

– Ttl Soap Base & Inc trends are strong in spite of Bredford Soap PA Issues (base +16% Inc +138%)

– Volume Sold on Promotion: 12% (-7pts) of WM’s H&L volume is sold on promotion vs 40% (+5pts) of Target’s

– Over half of WM’s promoted Bredford’s volume comes from display activity which is down YTD -38% vs Target +10%

– Recommendation: refocus on optimizing the promotional calendar with an emphasis on MP display

  1. Pricing

– Pricing both Promo and Non-Promo are not a concern relative to WM, however Target takes issue with WM’s averaged down blended price

  1. Assortment & Shelf

– Target carries fewer Soap SKU’s than WM (on average over the past year Target: 58   WM: 82 sku’s)

– Bredford has not gained its fair share of items added (22% new sku’s vs 36% Share of Category)

– Target reduced 6 single sku’s to WM’s 0

– Space to Sales: Ttl Soap singles are Over-spaced vs. Multipacks (Singles Index:151   Multipack index: 82). WM MP’s similarly under-indexed



-Refocus on narrowing Target’s Fair Share of Market Gap via a Display enhanced MP centric promotional calendar

-Re-balance assortment between Multipacks and Singles


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